Piatra Spiritului Dragon Safir

Versiunea din 20 octombrie 2015 23:16, autor: Lisbeth (Discuție | contribuții) (Piatra Spiritului Dragon Safir Tăiată)

Piatra Spiritului Dragon Safir Brută

Safir Dragon Brut
Safir Dragon Brut (Opac).png
Safir Dragon Brut (Clar).png
Safir Dragon Brut (Perfect).png
Safir Dragon Brut (Strălucitor).png
Safir Dragon Brut (Excelent).png
Bonus 1
Extra Bonus
Safir Dragon Brut (Opac).png

Fără alte bonusuri
Fără alte bonusuri
Fără alte bonusuri
Safir Dragon Brut (Clar).png

Fără alte bonusuri
Fără alte bonusuri
Fără alte bonusuri
Safir Dragon Brut (Perfect).png

Fără alte bonusuri
Fără alte bonusuri
Fără alte bonusuri
Fără alte bonusuri
Safir Dragon Brut (Strălucitor).png

Fără alte bonusuri
Fără alte bonusuri
Fără alte bonusuri
Fără alte bonusuri
Safir Dragon Brut (Excelent).png

Fără alte bonusuri
Fără alte bonusuri
Fără alte bonusuri
Fără alte bonusuri
Fără alte bonusuri

Piatra Spiritului Dragon Safir Tăiată

Safir Dragon Tăiat
Safir Dragon Tăiat (Opac).png
Safir Dragon Tăiat (Clar).png
Safir Dragon Tăiat (Perfect).png
Safir Dragon Tăiat (Strălucitor).png
Safir Dragon Tăiat (Excelent).png
Bonus 1
Extra Bonus
Safir Dragon Tăiat (Opac).png

De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +1% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +1% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +1% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +1%
Tare împotriva Lycan+1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor 1%
De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +1% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +1% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +1% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +1% Tare împotriva Lycan+1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 1%
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor
De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +1% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +1% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +1% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +1% Tare împotriva Lycan+1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 1%
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor
De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +1% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +1% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +1% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +1% Tare împotriva Lycan+1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 1%
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor 1%
Safir Dragon Tăiat (Clar).png

De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +1% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +1% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +1% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor
De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +1% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +1% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +1% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor
De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +1% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +1% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +1% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor
De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +2% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +2% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +2% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor
Safir Dragon Tăiat (Perfect).png

De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +1% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +1% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +1% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor
De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +1% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +1% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +1% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor
De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +2% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +2% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +2% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor
De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +2% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +2% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +2% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor
Safir Dragon Tăiat (Strălucitor).png

De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +1% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +1% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +1% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 1% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor
De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +2% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +2% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +2% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor
De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +2% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +2% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +2% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor
De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +2% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +2% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +2% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor
De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +3% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +3% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +3% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +3% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 3% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 3% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 3% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 3% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor
Safir Dragon Tăiat (Excelent).png

De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +2% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +2% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +2% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor
De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +2% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +2% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +2% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor
De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +2% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +2% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +2% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 2% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor
De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +3% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +3% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +3% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +3% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 3% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 3% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 3% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 3% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor
De la 0 la 1 Bonus și anume
Tare împotriva Ninja +3% sau
Tare împotriva Șamanilor +3% sau
Tare împotriva Sura +3% sau
Tare împotriva Războinic +3% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Ninja 3% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Şamanilor 3% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Sura 3% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Războinicilor 3% sau
Șansă de apărare împotriva atacului Lycanilor

Piatra Spiritului Dragon Safir Rară

Safir Dragon Rar
Safir Dragon Rar (Opac).png
Safir Dragon Rar (Clar).png
Safir Dragon Rar (Perfect).png
Safir Dragon Rar (Strălucitor).png
Safir Dragon Rar (Excelent).png
Bonus 1
Extra Bonus
Safir Dragon Rar (Opac).png

0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +1% or
Strong against Shamans +1% or
Strong against Suras +1% or
Strong against Warriors +1% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 1% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 1% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 1% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 1%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +2% or
Strong against Shamans +2% or
Strong against Suras +2% or
Strong against Warriors +2% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +2% or
Strong against Shamans +2% or
Strong against Suras +2% or
Strong against Warriors +2% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +2% or
Strong against Shamans +2% or
Strong against Suras +2% or
Strong against Warriors +2% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +3% or
Strong against Shamans +3% or
Strong against Suras +3% or
Strong against Warriors +3% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 3%
Safir Dragon Rar (Clar).png

0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +2% or
Strong against Shamans +2% or
Strong against Suras +2% or
Strong against Warriors +2% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +2% or
Strong against Shamans +2% or
Strong against Suras +2% or
Strong against Warriors +2% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +2% or
Strong against Shamans +2% or
Strong against Suras +2% or
Strong against Warriors +2% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +3% or
Strong against Shamans +3% or
Strong against Suras +3% or
Strong against Warriors +3% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 3%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +3% or
Strong against Shamans +3% or
Strong against Suras +3% or
Strong against Warriors +3% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 3%
Safir Dragon Rar (Perfect).png

0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +2% or
Strong against Shamans +2% or
Strong against Suras +2% or
Strong against Warriors +2% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +2% or
Strong against Shamans +2% or
Strong against Suras +2% or
Strong against Warriors +2% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +3% or
Strong against Shamans +3% or
Strong against Suras +3% or
Strong against Warriors +3% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 3%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +3% or
Strong against Shamans +3% or
Strong against Suras +3% or
Strong against Warriors +3% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 3%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +4% or
Strong against Shamans +4% or
Strong against Suras +4% or
Strong against Warriors +4% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 4% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 4% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 4% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 4%
Safir Dragon Rar (Strălucitor).png

0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +2% or
Strong against Shamans +2% or
Strong against Suras +2% or
Strong against Warriors +2% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 2% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +3% or
Strong against Shamans +3% or
Strong against Suras +3% or
Strong against Warriors +3% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 3%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +3% or
Strong against Shamans +3% or
Strong against Suras +3% or
Strong against Warriors +3% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 3%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +4% or
Strong against Shamans +4% or
Strong against Suras +4% or
Strong against Warriors +4% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 4% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 4% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 4% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 4%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +5% or
Strong against Shamans +5% or
Strong against Suras +5% or
Strong against Warriors +5% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 5% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 5% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 5% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 5%
Safir Dragon Rar (Excelent).png

0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +3% or
Strong against Shamans +3% or
Strong against Suras +3% or
Strong against Warriors +3% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 3%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +3% or
Strong against Shamans +3% or
Strong against Suras +3% or
Strong against Warriors +3% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 3% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 3%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +4% or
Strong against Shamans +4% or
Strong against Suras +4% or
Strong against Warriors +4% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 4% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 4% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 4% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 4%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +5% or
Strong against Shamans +5% or
Strong against Suras +5% or
Strong against Warriors +5% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 5% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 5% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 5% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 5%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +6% or
Strong against Shamans +6% or
Strong against Suras +6% or
Strong against Warriors +6% or
Defense chance against ninja attacks: 6% or
Defense chance against shaman attacks: 6% or
Defense chance against sura attacks: 6% or
Defense chance against warrior attacks: 6%

Piatra Spiritului Dragon Safir Antică

Safir Dragon Antic
Safir Dragon Antic (Opac).png
Safir Dragon Antic (Clar).png
Safir Dragon Antic (Perfect).png
Safir Dragon Antic (Strălucitor).png
Safir Dragon Antic (Excelent).png
Bonus 1
Bonus 2
Extra Bonus
Safir Dragon Antic (Opac).png

DEX+1Earth Resistance 1%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +2% or
Strong against Shamans +2% or
Strong against Suras +2% or
Strong against Warriors +2% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 2% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 2% or
Def agst sura attacks: 2% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 2%
DEX+2Earth Resistance 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +2% or
Strong against Shamans +2% or
Strong against Suras +2% or
Strong against Warriors +2% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 2% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 2% or
Def agst sura attacks: 2% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 2%
DEX+2Earth Resistance 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +3% or
Strong against Shamans +3% or
Strong against Suras +3% or
Strong against Warriors +3% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 3% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 3% or
Def agst sura attacks: 3% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 3%
DEX+2Earth Resistance 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +3% or
Strong against Shamans +3% or
Strong against Suras +3% or
Strong against Warriors +3% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 3% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 3% or
Def agst sura attacks: 3% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 3%
DEX+2Earth Resistance 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +3% or
Strong against Shamans +3% or
Strong against Suras +3% or
Strong against Warriors +3% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 3% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 3% or
Def agst sura attacks: 3% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 3%
Safir Dragon Antic (Clar).png

DEX+2Earth Resistance 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +2% or
Strong against Shamans +2% or
Strong against Suras +2% or
Strong against Warriors +2% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 2% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 2% or
Def agst sura attacks: 2% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 2%
DEX+2Earth Resistance 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +3% or
Strong against Shamans +3% or
Strong against Suras +3% or
Strong against Warriors +3% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 3% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 3% or
Def agst sura attacks: 3% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 3%
DEX+2Earth Resistance 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +3% or
Strong against Shamans +3% or
Strong against Suras +3% or
Strong against Warriors +3% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 3% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 3% or
Def agst sura attacks: 3% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 3%
DEX+2Earth Resistance 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +3% or
Strong against Shamans +3% or
Strong against Suras +3% or
Strong against Warriors +3% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 3% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 3% or
Def agst sura attacks: 3% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 3%
DEX+3Earth Resistance 3%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +4% or
Strong against Shamans +4% or
Strong against Suras +4% or
Strong against Warriors +4% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 4% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 4% or
Def agst sura attacks: 4% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 4%
Safir Dragon Antic (Perfect).png

DEX+2Earth Resistance 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +3% or
Strong against Shamans +3% or
Strong against Suras +3% or
Strong against Warriors +3% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 3% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 3% or
Def agst sura attacks: 3% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 3%
DEX+2Earth Resistance 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +3% or
Strong against Shamans +3% or
Strong against Suras +3% or
Strong against Warriors +3% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 3% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 3% or
Def agst sura attacks: 3% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 3%
DEX+2Earth Resistance 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +3% or
Strong against Shamans +3% or
Strong against Suras +3% or
Strong against Warriors +3% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 3% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 3% or
Def agst sura attacks: 3% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 3%
DEX+3Earth Resistance 3%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +4% or
Strong against Shamans +4% or
Strong against Suras +4% or
Strong against Warriors +4% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 4% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 4% or
Def agst sura attacks: 4% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 4%
DEX+4Earth Resistance 4%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +6% or
Strong against Shamans +6% or
Strong against Suras +6% or
Strong against Warriors +6% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 6% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 6% or
Def agst sura attacks: 6% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 6%
Safir Dragon Antic (Strălucitor).png

DEX+2Earth Resistance 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +3% or
Strong against Shamans +3% or
Strong against Suras +3% or
Strong against Warriors +3% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 3% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 3% or
Def agst sura attacks: 3% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 3%
DEX+2Earth Resistance 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +3% or
Strong against Shamans +3% or
Strong against Suras +3% or
Strong against Warriors +3% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 3% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 3% or
Def agst sura attacks: 3% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 3%
DEX+3Earth Resistance 3%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +4% or
Strong against Shamans +4% or
Strong against Suras +4% or
Strong against Warriors +4% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 4% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 4% or
Def agst sura attacks: 4% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 4%
DEX+4Earth Resistance 4%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +6% or
Strong against Shamans +6% or
Strong against Suras +6% or
Strong against Warriors +6% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 6% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 6% or
Def agst sura attacks: 6% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 6%
DEX+4Earth Resistance 4%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +6% or
Strong against Shamans +6% or
Strong against Suras +6% or
Strong against Warriors +6% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 6% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 6% or
Def agst sura attacks: 6% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 6%
Safir Dragon Antic (Excelent).png

DEX+2Earth Resistance 2%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +3% or
Strong against Shamans +3% or
Strong against Suras +3% or
Strong against Warriors +3% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 3% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 3% or
Def agst sura attacks: 3% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 3%
DEX+3Earth Resistance 3%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +4% or
Strong against Shamans +4% or
Strong against Suras +4% or
Strong against Warriors +4% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 4% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 4% or
Def agst sura attacks: 4% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 4%
DEX+4Earth Resistance 4%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +6% or
Strong against Shamans +6% or
Strong against Suras +6% or
Strong against Warriors +6% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 6% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 6% or
Def agst sura attacks: 6% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 6%
DEX+4Earth Resistance 4%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +6% or
Strong against Shamans +6% or
Strong against Suras +6% or
Strong against Warriors +6% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 6% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 6% or
Def agst sura attacks: 6% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 6%
DEX+6Earth Resistance 6%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +9% or
Strong against Shamans +9% or
Strong against Suras +9% or
Strong against Warriors +9% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 9% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 9% or
Def agst sura attacks: 9% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 9%
DEX+8Earth Resistance 8%
0 to 2 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +12% or
Strong against Shamans +12% or
Strong against Suras +12% or
Strong against Warriors +12% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 12% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 12% or
Def agst sura attacks: 12% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 12%

Piatra Spiritului Dragon Safir Legendară

Safir Dragon Legendar
Safir Dragon Legendar (Opac).png
Safir Dragon Legendar (Clar).png
Safir Dragon Legendar (Perfect).png
Safir Dragon Legendar (Strălucitor).png
Safir Dragon Legendar (Excelent).png
Bonus 1
Bonus 2
Extra Bonus
Safir Dragon Legendar (Opac).png

DEX+3Earth Resistance 3%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +5% or
Strong against Shamans +5% or
Strong against Suras +5% or
Strong against Warriors +5% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 5% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 5% or
Def agst sura attacks: 5% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 5%
DEX+4Earth Resistance 4%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +6% or
Strong against Shamans +6% or
Strong against Suras +6% or
Strong against Warriors +6% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 6% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 6% or
Def agst sura attacks: 6% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 6%
DEX+4Earth Resistance 4%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +6% or
Strong against Shamans +6% or
Strong against Suras +6% or
Strong against Warriors +6% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 6% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 6% or
Def agst sura attacks: 6% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 6%
DEX+5Earth Resistance 5%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +7% or
Strong against Shamans +7% or
Strong against Suras +7% or
Strong against Warriors +7% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 7% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 7% or
Def agst sura attacks: 7% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 7%
DEX+5Earth Resistance 5%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +8% or
Strong against Shamans +8% or
Strong against Suras +8% or
Strong against Warriors +8% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 8% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 8% or
Def agst sura attacks: 8% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 8%
Safir Dragon Legendar (Clar).png

DEX+4Earth Resistance 4%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +6% or
Strong against Shamans +6% or
Strong against Suras +6% or
Strong against Warriors +6% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 6% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 6% or
Def agst sura attacks: 6% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 6%
DEX+4Earth Resistance 4%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +6% or
Strong against Shamans +6% or
Strong against Suras +6% or
Strong against Warriors +6% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 6% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 6% or
Def agst sura attacks: 6% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 6%
DEX+5Earth Resistance 5%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +7% or
Strong against Shamans +7% or
Strong against Suras +7% or
Strong against Warriors +7% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 7% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 7% or
Def agst sura attacks: 7% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 7%
DEX+5Earth Resistance 5%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +8% or
Strong against Shamans +8% or
Strong against Suras +8% or
Strong against Warriors +8% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 8% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 8% or
Def agst sura attacks: 8% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 8%
DEX+6Earth Resistance 6%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +9% or
Strong against Shamans +9% or
Strong against Suras +9% or
Strong against Warriors +9% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 9% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 9% or
Def agst sura attacks: 9% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 9%
Safir Dragon Legendar (Perfect).png

DEX+4Earth Resistance 4%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +6% or
Strong against Shamans +6% or
Strong against Suras +6% or
Strong against Warriors +6% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 6% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 6% or
Def agst sura attacks: 6% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 6%
DEX+5Earth Resistance 5%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +7% or
Strong against Shamans +7% or
Strong against Suras +7% or
Strong against Warriors +7% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 7% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 7% or
Def agst sura attacks: 7% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 7%
DEX+5Earth Resistance 5%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +8% or
Strong against Shamans +8% or
Strong against Suras +8% or
Strong against Warriors +8% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 8% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 8% or
Def agst sura attacks: 8% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 8%
DEX+6Earth Resistance 6%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +9% or
Strong against Shamans +9% or
Strong against Suras +9% or
Strong against Warriors +9% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 9% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 9% or
Def agst sura attacks: 9% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 9%
DEX+7Earth Resistance 7%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +10% or
Strong against Shamans +10% or
Strong against Suras +10% or
Strong against Warriors +10% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 10% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 10% or
Def agst sura attacks: 10% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 10%
Safir Dragon Legendar (Strălucitor).png

DEX+5Earth Resistance 5%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +7% or
Strong against Shamans +7% or
Strong against Suras +7% or
Strong against Warriors +7% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 7% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 7% or
Def agst sura attacks: 7% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 7%
DEX+5Earth Resistance 5%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +8% or
Strong against Shamans +8% or
Strong against Suras +8% or
Strong against Warriors +8% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 8% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 8% or
Def agst sura attacks: 8% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 8%
DEX+6Earth Resistance 6%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +9% or
Strong against Shamans +9% or
Strong against Suras +9% or
Strong against Warriors +9% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 9% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 9% or
Def agst sura attacks: 9% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 9%
DEX+7Earth Resistance 7%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +10% or
Strong against Shamans +10% or
Strong against Suras +10% or
Strong against Warriors +10% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 10% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 10% or
Def agst sura attacks: 10% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 10%
DEX+8Earth Resistance 8%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +12% or
Strong against Shamans +12% or
Strong against Suras +12% or
Strong against Warriors +12% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 12% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 12% or
Def agst sura attacks: 12% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 12%
DEX+9Earth Resistance 9%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +14% or
Strong against Shamans +14% or
Strong against Suras +14% or
Strong against Warriors +14% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 14% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 14% or
Def agst sura attacks: 14% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 14%
Safir Dragon Legendar (Excelent).png

DEX+5Earth Resistance 5%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +8% or
Strong against Shamans +8% or
Strong against Suras +8% or
Strong against Warriors +8% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 8% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 8% or
Def agst sura attacks: 8% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 8%
DEX+6Earth Resistance 6%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +9% or
Strong against Shamans +9% or
Strong against Suras +9% or
Strong against Warriors +9% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 9% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 9% or
Def agst sura attacks: 9% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 9%
DEX+7Earth Resistance 7%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +10% or
Strong against Shamans +10% or
Strong against Suras +10% or
Strong against Warriors +10% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 10% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 10% or
Def agst sura attacks: 10% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 10%
DEX+8Earth Resistance 8%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +12% or
Strong against Shamans +12% or
Strong against Suras +12% or
Strong against Warriors +12% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 12% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 12% or
Def agst sura attacks: 12% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 12%
DEX+9Earth Resistance 9%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +14% or
Strong against Shamans +14% or
Strong against Suras +14% or
Strong against Warriors +14% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 14% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 14% or
Def agst sura attacks: 14% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 14%
DEX+11Earth Resistance 11%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +16% or
Strong against Shamans +16% or
Strong against Suras +16% or
Strong against Warriors +16% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 16% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 16% or
Def agst sura attacks: 16% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 16%
DEX+12Earth Resistance 12%
0 to 3 Bonus from
Strong against Ninjas +18% or
Strong against Shamans +18% or
Strong against Suras +18% or
Strong against Warriors +18% or
Def agst ninja attacks: 18% or
Def agst shaman attacks: 18% or
Def agst sura attacks: 18% or
Def agst warrior attacks: 18%