Războinic: Diferență între versiuni

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Linia 1: Linia 1:
{{Subpage|[[Main_Page|Metin2Wiki]] | [[The different classes]] / [[:Category:Class|Classes]]}}
<p>Thanks to their skills, their arming and the ability to wear heavy armor the Warrior plays a central role in close combat. They only strive for great physical strength and balanced mind.</p>
<p>Datorită competențelor, armelor și abilității lor de a purta armuri grele, ei joacă un rol important în lupta de aproape. Aspirațiile lor vin mai ales din puterea fizică și din spiritul lor calm și echilibrat.</p>
<p>According to their specialization, they can cause devastating damage with Two-Handed weaponry or they can parry the attacks of their enemy with both sword and shield.</p>
<p>În funcție de abilitățile alese, răzbunarea lor poate fi distrugătoare folosindu-se de armele manevrate cu ambele mâini sau prin îndemânarea utilizării unei săbii și a scutului, ce pot pune piedici oricărui adversar.</p>
[[File:Warrior Male.png|right|link=]]
<p>Sunt 2 clase de războinici. Prima clasă (Războinic Mental) este un tank, cu o apărare greu de doborât. Războinicul Corp, oarecum, este dedicat unui stil ofensiv de joc.</p>
=== Recomendations ===
<p>Războinicii se bazează pe [[Apărarea#Vitalitatea|Vitalitate]] și [[Apărarea#Puterea|Putere]], până când acestea ajung la 90 de puncte, apoi necesită puncte pe [[Apărarea#Dexteritatea|Dexteritate]]. Pentru un Războinic Corp este foarte important să aibă Putere deoarece crește atacul în mod direct, la fel cum [[Aura Sabiei]] crește atacul în mod indirect. Când un Războinic Mental are puncte pe Vitalitate, apărarea îi crește în mod direct, la fel cum [[Corp Rezistent|Corpul Rezistent]] o face în mod indirect. Depinde de preferințele fiecăruia, de a avea mai multă apărare sau mai mult atac și implicit mai multe daune provocate. Raportul dintre Putere și Vitalitate trebuie să fie 1:1, dar poate fi modificat în funcție de preferințele fiecăruia.</p>
<p>There are two classes of warriors. One class (mental warriors) is a tank, with an almost unbreakable defence. The body warrior, however, is for a more offencive style of play.</p>
<p>Războinicii Mental sunt foarte buni cu [[Războinic/arme#Arme_pentru_dou.C4.83_m.C3.A2ini|Arme pentru două mâini]],
<p>Warriors mainly use the stats VIT and STR, until both are on 90 and afterwards DEX. For a Body Warrior it is very important to have STR as it increases attacks directly, as well as indirectly influencing Aura Of Sword. When a Mental Warrior has VIT it reinforces their defence directly, as well as indirectly affecting their Strong Body. Whether or not you want to have lots of defence or attack with huge amounts of damage is purely down to taste. The stats of STR and VIT should be around 1:1 but can be altered for personal preference.</p>
în timp ce Războinicii Corp se descurca mai bine cu [[Războinic/arme#S.C4.83bii|Săbii]] în lupta de jos si cu [[Războinic/arme#Arme_pentru_dou.C4.83_m.C3.A2ini|Arme pentru două mâini]] în lupta de pe [[Cal]].</p>
<p>Mental Warriors are normally best off with Two-Handed weaponry whilst a Body Warrior would be more suited to Swords off Horse and Two-Handed weaponry on a horse.</p>
<p>Warriors are normally front line characters and so must be able to endure a lot.</p>
=== Subclass ===
<p>Body Warrior And Mental Warrior</p>
== Warrior Skills ==
<p>Războinic Corp și Războinic Mental</p>
{|width=90% align="center" {{NormalTables}}
|- {{Hl3}}
|align="center" colspan="3" width=100%| '''Body Warrior'''
|- {{Hl3}}
|align="center" | '''Image'''
|align="center" | '''Skill'''
|align="center" | '''Description'''
|- {{Hl4}}
|align="center"| [[File:Aura of the Sword.png]]
|align="center"| [[Aura of the Sword]]
|align="center"| Increases Attack Power for a period of time.
|- {{Hl4}}
|align="center"| [[File:Berserk.png]]
|align="center"| [[Berserk]]
|align="center"| Only concentrate on attacking.
|- {{Hl4}}
|align="center"| [[File:Dash.png]]
|align="center"| [[Dash]]
|align="center"| You attack as fast as a Bullet!
|- {{Hl4}}
|align="center"| [[File:Sword Spin.png]]
|align="center"| [[Sword Spin]]
|align="center"| Spin the sword to attack several enemies.
|- {{Hl4}}
|align="center"| [[File:Three-Way Cut.png]]
|align="center"| [[Three-Way Cut]]
|align="center"| Cut the enemy with lightning speed.
|- {{Hl4}}
|align="center"| [[File:Life Force.png]]
|align="center"| [[Life Force]]
|align="center"| You gather every last drop of inner strength and channel the explosive power into a single blow.
{|width=90% align="center" {{NormalTables}}
|- {{Hl3}}
|align="center" colspan="3" width=100%| '''Mental Warrior'''
|- {{Hl3}}
|align="center" | '''Image'''
|align="center" | '''Skill'''
|align="center" | '''Description'''
|- {{Hl4}}
|align="center"| [[File:Bash.png]]
|align="center"| [[Bash]]
|align="center"| Attack enemies directly.
|- {{Hl4}}
|align="center"| [[File:Spirit Strike (W).png]]
|align="center"| [[Spirit Strike (W)]]
|align="center"| Attack enemies directly.
|- {{Hl4}}
|align="center"| [[File:Strong Body.png]]
|align="center"| [[Strong Body]]
|align="center"| Increases defence and you won't fall on the ground.
|- {{Hl4}}
|align="center"| [[File:Stump.png]]
|align="center"| [[Stump]]
|align="center"| Knock over several enemies.
|- {{Hl4}}
|align="center"| [[File:Sword Strike.png]]
|align="center"| [[Sword Strike]]
|align="center"| Attack enemies directly.
|- {{Hl4}}
|align="center"| [[File:Sword Orb.png]]
|align="center"| [[Sword Orb]]
|align="center"| You hit the ground with your sword, causing an aura to spread which damages enemies standing nearby.

Versiunea de la data 9 aprilie 2015 17:25

Thanks to their skills, their arming and the ability to wear heavy armor the Warrior plays a central role in close combat. They only strive for great physical strength and balanced mind.

According to their specialization, they can cause devastating damage with Two-Handed weaponry or they can parry the attacks of their enemy with both sword and shield.

Warrior Male.png


There are two classes of warriors. One class (mental warriors) is a tank, with an almost unbreakable defence. The body warrior, however, is for a more offencive style of play.

Warriors mainly use the stats VIT and STR, until both are on 90 and afterwards DEX. For a Body Warrior it is very important to have STR as it increases attacks directly, as well as indirectly influencing Aura Of Sword. When a Mental Warrior has VIT it reinforces their defence directly, as well as indirectly affecting their Strong Body. Whether or not you want to have lots of defence or attack with huge amounts of damage is purely down to taste. The stats of STR and VIT should be around 1:1 but can be altered for personal preference.

Mental Warriors are normally best off with Two-Handed weaponry whilst a Body Warrior would be more suited to Swords off Horse and Two-Handed weaponry on a horse.

Warriors are normally front line characters and so must be able to endure a lot.


Body Warrior And Mental Warrior

Warrior Skills

Body Warrior
Image Skill Description
Aura Sabiei.png Aura of the Sword Increases Attack Power for a period of time.
Iures.png Berserk Only concentrate on attacking.
Izbitură.png Dash You attack as fast as a Bullet!
Vârtejul Sabiei.png Sword Spin Spin the sword to attack several enemies.
Incizie Triplă.png Three-Way Cut Cut the enemy with lightning speed.
Puterea Vieții.png Life Force You gather every last drop of inner strength and channel the explosive power into a single blow.

Mental Warrior
Image Skill Description
Zdrobire.png Bash Attack enemies directly.
Atacul Spiritului.png Spirit Strike (W) Attack enemies directly.
Corp Rezistent.png Strong Body Increases defence and you won't fall on the ground.
Zdruncinare.png Stump Knock over several enemies.
Atacul Sabiei.png Sword Strike Attack enemies directly.
Sfera Sabiei.png Sword Orb You hit the ground with your sword, causing an aura to spread which damages enemies standing nearby.