Tinctura regatelor

< Metin2Wiki < Categorii Iteme / Listă Iteme < Tinctura regatelor

Tinctura regatelor

Tinctura regatelor.png
Tinctura regatelor.png
Tinctura regatelor
An unmarried character can go into exile in another empire once, if he is rich enough (500 000 Yang).

Every character on your account will be moved to the new kingdom.


Acest element nu este utilizat în misiuni.

Negociabil Dropabil Depozitat Stivuit
NPC Fereastră Negoț Magazin Privat
Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo

  • Note: All characters on the account can't be married, be in a guild or a guild leader himself.
  • Costs to switch to the kingdom: 500,000 yang.
  • You can only change kingdoms once every 7 days.
  • The language skills of empires remain even after the exchange, thus you can theoretically accommodate any language to M1. To communicate with his former home realm, one must read the appropriate language book first.

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